

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the RUGBY...more than a passion :O

The Rugby ang the Foolball

The FIFA world cup started a few days ago, it was very important until that Chile lost against the best team of the globe "Brasil", but few people knew about the mundial of the rugby in the year 2007 at France. The Rugby started same time than the foolball, in England. In a text about this sport say that the Football is a sport of gentlemans played for pimps and than Rugby is a sport of pimps played for gentlemans...I know both sport and i think it depends... Who all we know South Africa haven´t a great team of football, but in Rugby are world champions, however aren´t only than played good this sport, in south america the Pumas of argentina are the best of the continent and the Condores de chile than aren´t so bads, too it play good. In Chile there are much teams as: University Catholic, University of Concepcion, The Wild Boar, and others team very bad as the University of Chile....bright is a joke... Bye!

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